Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Different Disciplines and Revolvers....Part 4

Zombie shooting is a relatively new sport on the scene. Contestants are challenged to engage Zombies with a shot to the head and Infected People with three shots to the body. This is a never stagnant pace changing game that constantly demands excellence of the shooter. Whether it's a time saving bonus head shot at 20 yards or a fast burst into a target before it gets too close (a 3 yard buffer is enforced on all unneutralized targets jeering the shooter with a warning about getting bitten). This sport hones the revolver shooter to the max emphasizing speed and accuracy and when each is needed. Power factor is not a concern here as the shooter is self governed by the use of steel targets and a simple "If it won't knock down steel too bad."

The equipment is up to you as the weapons compete based on regular sights and not regular sights and round capacity. The divisions go 6, 8, 15, 24 with no topping off in the beginning of the stage. This speeds the match up a lot. People actually compete with what they carry in real life and aren't disadvantaged by it in the least. I personally watched a gentleman use an M&P 40 compact with great success until his limited supply of magazines ran out on a long stage and like in real life he had to retire from the fight. The revolver however really shines here with the use of three shot bursts and head shots. The math is right and the accuracy is there too.

I found that my approach to this was to shoot the stages from one side to another taking the change of pace in stride. Trying to build sixes and finish the cylinder is pointless when you can reload anywhere and may miss at anytime. The constantly changing pace left my mind feeling like a stripped gear by the end of the match. I can't wait to try it again!

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