Well it has been two years off from blogging. I do apologize for the disappointment caused by my sudden departure.
•The .38 super special is still going to happen. I'm totally geared up to load it, the only remaining item is to have the cylinder cut for moonclips.
• I never took a break from shooting. I switched into heavy archery for a while and I am still active there. I also took up cowboy action shooting.
•Cowboy action shooting was a lot of fun. I learned how to use a lever action rifle in a fast and efficient manner. Another added benefit came from shooting in the Gunfighter category: learning the art of effectively shooting two pistols at once and bringing my left hand up to speed with the right. I am currently working on overcoming my dominant eye for right gun/right eye and left gun/left eye sight pictures. This is somewhat challenging, but I hope to master it sometime soon.